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Window Cleaning

As part of a typical cleaning specification, every month we clean all internal windows on staircases and in hallways, as well as all external windows. We’ve invested in the latest technology from Tucker Pole Systems to ensure that not only are our staff and residents safe, but that windows are also left sparking and mark-free.


Clean windows start with the cleanest possible water, so we have a static water-processing plant that converts mains water, which starts with 400 parts per million of impurities, to be 98% pure. This is then pumped into a holding tank in the back of the van, in which it is then passed through a deioniser cylinder that ensures the water is 99.9% pure.


This pure water is then pumped up the Tucker Pole on to a brush that is used to thoroughly clean the windows. As there are negligible amounts of impurities left in the water, there are no marks left on the glass when your windows dry.. 

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